John Dufresne's new book is opening to a big splash, with a New York Times review, a feature in Lit Hub, a launch at his favorite bookstore Books and Books, enthusiastic readers. His lead character, Olney Kartheizer, lives a vastly fulfilling life cargoed up with small details and striking details. The only flaw? Olney's son Cully prowls through the Florida underbrush, trapped in addiction and self-loathing. My Darling Boy is a quest to redeem a son, and to recover a magic childhood slipped away.
Dufresne transforms Florida and its citizens, already a bubble-off-plumb, into a magical universe populated by extraordinary beings. By living in this new world, we see afresh and commune with the pain of addiction and amazement of fatherhood. Dufresne offsets danger by wonder, hurt by hope, and sadness by love. I would give my left arm to live in Anastasia, and be off to search Whynot for the prodigal son Cully.
Great review--a bubble-of-plumb--where do you come up with these wonders
Darling Boy goes on the list!